ITV's studio output for the FIFA Womens World Cup in 2023
An opening shot from FIFA Womens World Cup 2023
The main presnting area within the virtual environment being used for live Six Nations Rugby in 2023

The greenscreen studio with the physical furniture
A view from behind the physical desk

Multi-Space Virtual Set for ITV Sport

This multi-space virtual set, host broadcasts for many different sports events, and features prominent panels and lighting features that can be changed and updated to represent a unique look for each different sport.

The set launched in 2023 with ITV's coverage of Six Nations Rugby and has since hosted many different sporting events including La Liga, FIFA Womens World Cup 2023, and ITV's coverage of the Rugby World Cup 2023, for which we developed a modified version, featuring an outdoor balcony overlooking a Paris roofscape.


ITV Sport


Toby Kalitowski
Jim Mann

Realtime Engine

Unreal Engine 4.27

Studio Integration


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