Jim Mann talks about design and virtual production

Lightwell's founder, Jim Mann recently presented a talk highlighting the importance of design within Virtual Production, to staff and students at the University of Portsmouth's cutting edge CCIXR facility.
Jim Mann talks about design and virtual production
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CCIXR is the UK's first purpose-built facility to bring together the latest XR technologies under one roof to offer world-class innovation, research and training. Among their many cutting edge items of kit, is an LED Smart Stage. It was from this platform, that the talk was delivered. After covering a timeline of virtual set designs beginning in 2005, Jim concluded with a behind-the-scenes look at the development of last years virtual set for the BBC Paris Olympics coverage.

These videos feature excerpts from the section of Jim's talk that covered the development of the Paris Olympics virtual set. He covers the path of the design, from early stage concepts through to the final broadcast design. The importance of reference material to the design are illustrated, and behind the scenes footage from testing and rehearsals are also included.

To complement the subject, the broadcast version of the Paris 2024 virtual set built using Unreal Engine was displayed in the Smart Stage. This placed Jim inside the virtual version of Paris he designed with Toby Kalitowski.